Friday, May 7, 2010

"It's going to kick the living crap out of what it means to be awesome."

No I won’t be opening with, "Hello World". Even though every programmer knows that doing so is not only compulsory but one of the most HILARIOUS ways of introducing yourself... *Cricket sounds* Ok so the internet isn’t the best place for expressing sarcasm, and even though I have a doctorate in funitivity (you can call me dr. Zeid) my humour doesn’t transfer well to text.

So now that I have established how I am not going to introduce myself, I have to find a way to explain who I am tastefully. Well let me first introduce what the blog is about, and then from that we might get a bit of insight as to who I am. This blog is a record of my interests in computer games and their design, development and construction. It will hopefully be stock full of art, coding and design discussion, as well as samples, descriptions and information on games I am currently working on and games in general.

Now that that's out of the way I suppose it is time to introduce myself more formally; My name is Sam Zeid. I am doing a double major in computer science and games programming at university and am in my final year, I also have a fair amount of knowledge in art particularly of the digital variety. At present I am creating an iPhone game, It's going to kick the living crap out of what it means to be awesome.

Also to clarify if you hadn’t already guessed, my main drive is games development. Why? Because I love creating things and I am an attention whore. So what gets more attention than flashing seizure inducing, interactive, electronic fun? I’ll tell you what, porn... But that my friend, is for another blog.

I have created some commercial game art of the pixel variety. I’ve read numerous game design books and know how to program in a number of different languages. But with all that said this blog is all about fun, and so expect as much bias opinionative misinformation as I can dish out. I hope that you all enjoy my journey as I try and find fun.

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